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Shoshanna Gabriel
No one expected a Jewish secular-romance novel author from New York to move out to the country and find Jesus, least of all Shoshanna herself… but God has a sense of humor, and that’s what happened.
She writes small-town contemporary Christian romance set in north Idaho, where she lives with her husband, homeschools their three kids, wrangles two big dogs, spoils eleven backyard chickens, attends bible study with her neighbors, and takes in the wonder of the incredible evergreen-covered mountain landscape.
Reviewers of her Bear Creek Saddle series have called her books “Christian storytelling at its best;” “with the wonderful writing style of Shoshanna Gabriel. …a roller-coaster ride of emotion. Heartbreak, guilt, forgiveness, fear… highly recommended to anyone who likes Christian inspirational love stories filled with down-to-earth, everyday struggles.”
Shoshanna used to work as a syndicated advice columnist in NY and a registered nurse, but now she’s a full-time author and the co-founder of SelfPubBookCovers.com, the world’s leading marketplace of high-quality, affordable premade book covers for indie authors, available instantly. She loves to connect with readers on Twitter @ShoshnnaGabriel, and Facebook.
To God be the Glory!